Jul 25, 2023
Joe Templin is the author of Every Day Excellence, a
book that outlines the process of making daily investments toward
personal improvement and development. Widely regarded as the Human
Kaizen Expert, Joe is dedicated to making individuals and
organizations better. He is the co-founder and President of The
Intro Machine, a learning ecosystem and training environment that
helps individuals build and grow an introduction-based business.
Before co-founding The Intro Machine, Joe served as the Managing
Director of The Unique Minds Consulting Group and was a director at
Northwestern Mutual.
Joe joins me today to outline the components of the g-factor and
how they determine the rate of success in life. He discusses
examples of unconscious competence and the role of sleep and rest
in developing the g-factor. He explains how grit, resilience, and
work ethic can take any person far in life. Joe also highlights the
importance of making the most out of your time, describes how
people can develop their threshold for discomfort, and underscores
the value of new ideas and experiences.
“The g-factor is the greatest determinant of long-range
success—more important than your IQ, education, social skills, or
social status.” - Joe Templin
This week on The Model FA Podcast:
Our Favorite Quotes:
Related Episode:
Connect with Joe Templin:
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The Model FA podcast is a show for fiduciary financial
advisors. In each episode, our host David DeCelle sits down with
industry experts, strategic thinkers, and advisors to explore what
it takes to build a successful practice — and have an
abundant life in the process. We believe in continuous learning,
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