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The Model FA

Nov 4, 2019

My guest today is Ryan Shanks. Ryan has over 19 years of experience in financial services. He is the Founder & CEO of FA Match, a digital career management platform for financial advisors. He is also the CEO of Finetooth Consulting, which provides transition consulting, outsourced recruiting and succession planning to financial advisors within the United States. 

In this conversation, we discuss how the advisor is always the product of the firm. Advisors bring enterprise value to the firm. As an advisor, if you don’t know your value you may be more passive in your career than you should be. Ryan shares about why asking the question, “What is your purpose and what do you want to be doing in this business?” is an important step in knowing if your current firm is the right place for you.

Don’t miss one of our favorite moments, when Ryan talks about advisors being hired for the wrong role. Ryan mentions that it is a two part issue, the firm needing to fill a seat, but not knowing the advisors strengths beyond their credentials. He encourages the firm to understand the strengths of the advisor to align them in the best fit role at the firm. Firms also need to be open to the new perspective the younger generation can bring the firm.

Looking for more ideas about creating value for your financial advice practice? Join the Model FA advisor community, where you will find expert advice on how to launch, grow, scale, and transform your firm.

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